Spanish (SPN)
Contact the corresponding coordinator for any questions regarding curriculum or course content:
- 100-level courses: Francisco Morales Ríos (
- 200-level courses: Charles Moulding (
- SPN 310: Dr. Adolfo Ausín (
- SPN 320: Dr. Virginia Rifernández-Conde (
Spanish Placement Test
The Spanish Program at MSU uses an online placement test to evaluate where you fit into their program.
The Spanish placement test consists of a short background questionnaire about your prior Spanish experience, followed by 39 multiple-choice questions covering (in order) listening, grammar, vocabulary, and reading. After you take the placement test, you will see your score (number correct out of the 39 questions), as well as your recommended placement. The placement test will take around 30 minutes to complete. After submitting the test, students are required to wait 6 weeks to retake it.
Requirements and Testing Information
Anyone with prior Spanish experience (except heritage/native speakers or students with AP/IB scores) and/or two or more years of high school instruction should plan to take the placement test.
Proctored Test: You may take the placement test at the Testing Office, 207 Student Services, or contact the MSU Testing Center at (517) 355-8385.
*HERITAGE or NATIVE speakers of Spanish who wish to study should NOT take the placement test. Contact the Academic Advisor for the Department of Romance and Classical Studies regarding placement.
**If you took or plan to take the AP or IB exam, regardless of whether or not you have your results for NSO, you should NOT take the placement test. If you are interested in enrolling in a Spanish course contact the Spanish advisor regarding placement.
You will need to enter the following information to get started:
- Your name
- Your MSU PID number
- Your MSU email address
Take the Spanish Placement Test
How to place into SPN 101
SPN 101 is reserved for those students who have limited prior experience with the language, either in a classroom setting or in a home or abroad environment. You may take this course only if you have less than two (2) years of high school study of language, do not speak the language in the home, and/or have lived in a Spanish-speaking environment.
The department reserves the right to remove students from a SPN 101 course during the first week of classes if they do not meet the above requirements. If so, you will be moved into a more suitable course, assuming availability.
How to place into SPN 102 / SPN 150
Students must place into these courses via the placement test. Alternatively students may enroll into SPN 102 if they have the equivalent of SPN 101 at another college or university.
How to place into SPN 201 or 202
Students must place into these courses via the placement test. Alternatively students may enroll into SPN 201 if they have the equivalent of SPN 102 at another college or university. They may enroll in SPN 202 if they have the equivalent of SPN 201 at another university or college.
How to place into 300-level courses
Students may place into 300 level courses through appropriate scores on the AP exam, from having the equivalent of SPN 202 at another college or university, or by score on the placement test.
Language Placement Frequently Asked Questions
What if I have AP credit?
AP scores of 3 or better place students in 300-level classes.
What if I’m not happy about my language placement?
Students must take the course at the level they placed into. Students cannot place lower than their original score. Students may retake the placement exam after 6 weeks if they want a better score (higher class level).
How do I get an override?
Overrides will not be considered for 100- and 200-level courses by any instructor. Watch for someone to drop the course! Students are expected to continue to check the enrollment system for openings and register during open enrollment.
It is departmental policy not to grant overrides for 300- and 400- level courses until the drop/add period is over at the beginning of each semester. Keep an eye on the enrollment. Put on alert on the course and add the course if someone drops it. If you are unable to add the course before the semester begins, attend the section that you would prefer to enroll in, do the work, and speak with the instructor. Only the course instructor can provide the authorization for the override.
- If you have technical (computer-related) problems, you can contact the IT Services Help Desk.
- For questions related to the test (administration and content) itself, send an email to
- For questions about the language requirement of your program, please contact your advisor and see Language requirement.
- If you feel that your test score does not accurately reflect your language ability, see your advisor or discuss your score with the appropriate program coordinator in the language department. See Language programs.